I have heard soo many gay men describe themselves as "straight-acting and straight-appearing". This phrase makes no sense to me. Does the guy really mean he is "butch" or "masculine"? If that is what he means then fucking say that. When I hear the words "straight-acting", I instantly think, "Why are you acting" and "Who do you think you are fooling, no one thinks you are straight". I have NEVER meet a man in which I could not tell if he was homosexual or heterosexual. It's called "gay-dar". I don't care how "butch" the guy is I just get a vibe and have never been wrong.
But, let's take this deeper. When a gay men insist on using the term "straight-acting" is it a form of internalized homophobia? Does he think the fact other might think he is straight a positive thing and being perceived as gay is a bad thing?
I don't mean to offend anyone. But if you get on your knees to suck dick or enjoying receiving a bj from another guys, that is not straight acting. If you enjoy topping or bottoming with another man, that is not straight-acting. If you are on a date with another man, that is not straight appearing. If you look at another man and lust for him, that is not straight-acting. If you are turned-on by any of these pictures, that is not straight acting.
So why is being masculine a good thing and being effeminate or obviously gay a bad thing?

Now there is another segment of gay men that like to brag by saying "I am not-in-scene". Which I understand to mean they go out to clubs or anything else that is associated to being gay. Again another generalization / stereotype. I have heterosexual friends who don't go out clubbing but they don't say "I am not-in-scene". Either you enjoy going out clubbing, have moved on past the clubscene or just have never been into clubbing. I have a friend that I have known since he was 19. He is now 32 and to this day he has never liked clubs and still does not go out. I have a heterosexual female friend that is 40 and she is a party animal and in the clubs every weekend. I live in LA and there is always something going on outside of a club.
I understand that some gay men are turned on more by masculinity and that is cool. But his behavior and appearance.........there is nothing straight about that LOL.
They may not be "in the scene" but you see them on every hookup site. In that case, they ARE still in the scene. They may not just go out to the clubs, but they are in the scene. I don't care what they say.