Friday, September 3, 2010


As per Wikipedia - On August 10, 2010, Anita Hanson, an African American woman married to a white man, called Schlessinger's show to ask for advice on dealing with racial comments made by acquaintances. During the call, Schlessinger used the word "nigger" 11 times, saying that using the word was not racist, and continuing to use it after Hanson asked, "Is it ever OK to say that word?" Schlessinger attempted to justify her use by saying, "Black guys use it all the time." After the call Schlesinger said, "If you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor, don't marry out of your race." One day later Schlessinger apologized. Hanson questioned the motivation and sincerity of Schlessinger's apology, believing it to be result of being "caught". Hanson also said that Schlessinger made no apology regarding her comments on interracial marriage.
Schlesinger announced she would end her radio show at the end of 2010.

Dr. Laura is no stranger to controversy.  Her views on homosexuality, race, religion, women and their roles and on and on has always got media attention but in a negative way.  In regards to the end of her show, I only have two words........."Bye Bitch!"  But in defensive of Dr. Laura she is entitled to her opinions.  Once you voice that opinion you have to be willing to deal with the backlash.
Honestly I am confused as to why the caller (Anita Hanson) would call the Dr. Laura Show when she has in the past demonstrated racists views.  The #1 fact that I am confused about is how did Dr. Laura get a show giving advice.  She is has a Ph.D in Physiology not Psychology. So, shouldn't she be teaching Biology at the local college and not giving advice on a nationally syndicated radio show?  INFORMATION IS ONLY AS GOOD AS IT'S SOURCE. Asking Dr. Laura for advice is like asking Hitler to give advice on race relations.
The whole Dr. Laura fiasco prompted me to really think about the "N" word.
I am 42 and the product of parents who were young adults during the civil rights movement.  So, since birth I knew the "N" word was a word to create pain.  A word to made to insult.  A word made to inflict fear.  A word made to someone feel like a second class citizen or not human at all.  100s or 1000s of people have died over this word.  Not from the word itself but died for being of African decent.  
 The comedian Chris Rock stated in his stand-up act says "I love black people but I hate the n@gg$*s".  Most of the Black people make a distinct difference between "Black people" and "N@gg$*s".   I find that concept very interesting.  I guess Obama would be considered "Black" and Flavor Fav would be considered a "n@gg$*.
I know for some the use of the "N" word is confusing.  Especially when you hear African Americans use that word with each other.  Especially when the rap genre of music pretty much uses the word in a lot of their songs.  A friend said to me "Blacks using the "N" word is the same as women calling each other "bitch" or when gay men call each other "punk" or "fag".  But if you don't fall in to the group of the racial or insensitive slur...then you can't use the word".  That makes a lot of sense to me. 
 Honestly, I love a good racial joke...but it has to really be good.  
 I PERSONALLY DO NOT USE ANY RACIAL SLURS.  Because of the history and pain behind the word...I JUST DON'T USE THE "N" WORD........ever...and I never will.  In my experience of those that use the "N" I find the word is used out of ignorance (meaning environment), lack of education (meaning knowing the history behind the word) and life experiences (meaning those around you use the word so you just follow suit - "sometime it is hard to take a stand because you usually find you are standing alone).

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