Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I am originally from the Mid-west (Chicago to be specific) but I have lived in Los Angeles for the past 10 years.  I moved to Los Angeles from New York City.

Many times I hear people complain about NYC.  Comments like "the people are soo rude".  9 times out of 10 the comment is coming from someone who has NEVER lived in NYC or even visited.  They are just making statements based on another person's experience.  Well after repeatedly hearing some stupidity it prompted me to write this blog.

In my personal opinion (someone who has lived in or visited pretty much every major city in the USA - Chicago, Boston, NYC, Atlanta, Miami, San Francisco, Houston, Seattle, Philly - not to mention cities in other countries like London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona and on and on - you get the picture), the people of Los Angeles are far more rude.   There are many things I love about Los Angeles (or should I say - I love about California).  But my list of the things I dislike is a longer list.

The things I like about Los Angeles:
  • Sunny weather all year round.
  • The mountains, hills and valleys
  • The beaches (every time I go to the beach I see whales, dolphins are some other sea life).
  • Celebrity sightings.
  • Movies com out in LA before any other city. 
  • San Diego is only a 2 hour drive away - San Francisco is a 1 hour flight.  In the winter skiing is only a 1 hour drive away.
  • I am NEVER bored in LA - something is always going on.
The shit I totally dislike about Los Angeles:
  • Traffic
  • The city of Los Angeles just does not have a "vibe".
  • Lack of creative architecture
  • LA is not called the "Land of Flakes and Nuts" for nothing.  The people here are notorious for flaking.  In LA you most definitely have to have a plan B and C because plan A is not going to happen.  I have never in my life meet sooo many nutty/crazy people.
  • People in LA are treated based on if you work in "the business" (entertainment) and which director, producer or actor you know.  (Because the city is full of wanna-be writers, actors, producers, etc and they just want their big break and hope you can help them.)
  • Shallowness reins supreme - it is all about body beautiful, face, ass, and tits.
  • Materialism - if you don't drive a nice car you are not going to fit in.  If you don't wear the latest fashion fade you will not fit in.
  • Rudeness/disrespect - it is totally acceptable in LA to NOT say "excuse me", "thank you", "sorry" and even giving someone direct eyes contact when you are talking to them.
  • The people of LA are rude but the funny thing is that they have the nerve to also be "fragile".  If you say or do anything to bring that person to "reality", that is perceived as "you are soo mean or negative or aggressive".
  • Clones - every as the same hair style and clothes.

New York, New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What I love about NYC:
  • The energy and vibe of the city.  Each borough has it's own feel.
  • The people are such individuals.
  • The people are direct (I do not consider that rude).
  • Live theater (Broadway and off Broadway).
  • Music is always released first in NYC.
  • Fashion! man, this is the fashion capital of the US.
  • Diversity - every ethnicity under the sun lives in NYC.
  • HOT - naturally beautiful men and women.
  • Central Park
  • ALWAYS something to do.
  • You can get any type of food you want any time of the night.
  • If you wanted to you can party all night, you can the clubs close around 6 a.m.
  • I don't have to drive, I have a choice between a taxi or the subway.
What I dislike about NYC
  • Cost of living and what you get for your money.
  • Sometimes it is just overwhelming  - too many people and stuff going on.
At the end of the day, I live in Los Angeles and although I have never felt at home here, it is home for now and I make the best of any situation.

Again, this is just my experience, go to LA and NYC and experience for yourself.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I have been in 4 relationships.  And I have never been in "love".  I loved the men I dated just like I do my friends and family.  But I have never experience the type of love that people write songs, books, and movies about.  Hell, some people have commit murder in the name of love.

So when Prop 8 was deemed as unconstitutional, I started to think, "Who would want to marry me?", "Hell, have I ever dated anyone I would actually marry?"  It caused me to think about my past relationships.

Relationship #1 -  I was only 20 years old.  I had no idea what I wanted in a man.  All I threw is that this man wanted me and I wanted him.  We were both "young, dumb and full of cum", so we went 100 mph forward into the unknown.  The relationship latest for about 1 year.  It was my first "love" or as some call "puppy love".

Relationship #2 - I was 27 years old.  I had a crush on this guy.  And unbeknown to me he had a crush on me.  One night he was drunk and confessed his feeling while we were at the same party.  But he had a boyfriend at the time.  So, I quickly dismissed the entire incident and told no one about it.  A few month later he was single (but still living with his boyfriend).  Long story short, the boyfriend moved out of state and he moved in with me.  Again, another relationship that moved 100 mph forward.  As I look back I wondered "why did I get into that relationship to begin with?"  And I have to be honest with myself I know exactly why I moved so quickly:
  1. He was HOT. And I could not believe someone that hot wanted me.  BUT so fucking boring.  He never talked or had an opinion.  It was like dating a deal mute.  He had not a drop of personality. But he was hot and wanted me.
  2. They guy I was dating prior to meeting my future bf dumped me to get back with his ex and I felt rejected and lonely.
This relationship lasted for over 1 year and man on man was there alot of drama (because of his friends).  But I finally woke up and the rest is history.

Relationship #3 -  This guy was soo funny.  I enjoyed spending time with him.  We would be silly and just laugh and laugh.  Hanging out with was like hanging out my a friend.  The sex was amazing.  But at the end of the relationship I realized his feeling for me where not about "love" it was about "lust" and because he was a person that cannot be single.  We were together for one year.  I honestly thought we would continue to be a couple regardless of our issues.  We got back together after the first time we broke up and then time the relationship last another year. Total for two years.  Currently we are not friends....long story.  As of today I am utterly disappointed but not shocked about the latest situation.  Why was I in a relationship with him period:
  1. Because I suffer from severe low esteem, he made me feel attractive.
  2. We had soo much fun together, he made me feel like a child again.
Relationship #4 - This guys is the sweetest, nicest, smartest person I have ever meet.  From the moment I first met him I saw this "glow" around his entire body.  I knew he would forever be in my life.  To this very day he continue to be the same person he was when I meet him 5 years ago.  We are no longer a couple but he is indeed one of my best friends.  Why did I move forward into this relationship:
  1. I thought it was not going to get any better than this guy so I tied him down before anyone else could get him.
  2. I meet him during a time that I had lost complete hope in that their were nice guys in Los Angeles. So again when I meet him I had to keep him.
I say all of this (providing my dating history) because I am beginning to wonder that as we experience life, dates various types of guys, mature (grow up) we (or should I say "I") realized that "love" is not going to happen for everyone.  I have a friend who is now 47 years old and he has never been in a relationship and his last date was probably back when Carter was president LOL.  I have another friend in which he and his partner have been together for 12 years.  You can feel the energy of love the minute you enter their house.  They still behave as if they just meet.  That is what I want.  But is it in the "cards" for me to find love?
 I believe the world has to be balanced.  Some people have to be sick and some will be healthy.  Some people will be poor and some will be rich.  Some will find love and the other will be on a search for love.

Maybe I am one of those that will be on a search for love.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stud Muffin of the Week: PASHA

Ok, so I was watching the local news and thinking about going to West Hollywood to celebrate the over turning of Prop 8 but no one wanted to go.  So, I ended up watching this show called..................

I had never watched the show before.  But one dancer in particular got my attention.  Hence, this blog entry.

Stud Muffin Of The Week


Pasha is from Russia and this HOT Eastern European specializes in  Latin dances such as the Tango.  Well, this gap tooth, cleft chinned stud got my attention.   He teaches dance in Manhattan.  And with his dance partner they are now in the professional dance circuit.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today in California "Prop 8" was over turned as unconstitutional......"O Happy Day!"  Thank you Judge Vaughn Walker (appointing this judge to office is the only good thing President Reagan did for gays in this country - while he was Governor of CA.).

My feelings on this issue are obvious as stated in past blog entries. But, just to establish my opinion again, "I want equal rights for EVERYONE.  Marriage is a legal procedure.  If you decide to have the ceremony in a church, you have then just decided to have a legal procedure conducted in a religious manner."

Historically the majority has voted against most social issues (i.e Abortion, Minorities right to fair housing, Minorities right to fair education, Minorities in the Military, Women in the military, Minorities right to marry Whites, Women's right to vote and many more)  and our judicial system has always had to intervene.  What type of country would we be if our Supreme Court had not upheld the constitution?

As for the Mormon (who put up millions of dollar to spread hate and discrimination) and other religious groups, I have only two word for you.......................................F#$*  Y&!
The sad fact about the Mormon faith is that they fled to Utah to have a safe place to live and practice their religion.  Because across the country they were being discriminated against and in some instances killed.  But, instead of learning from what happened to them they do the total opposite and discriminate against another group of people.  Good job Mormon, I am sure your God will be very proud of you.  

Instead of using the millions they spend on schools, hospitals, the poor etc they used the money to spread hate.  You all will go out in the history books for this offense.  And be an embarrassment for future Mormons.

But, its okay, the weak get stronger and in this case the weak won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!