Friday, April 9, 2010

DECEMBER 21, 2012

According to the Mayan Calendar, the World will end on Dec, 21, 2012.  Others like Nostradamus have also predicted that exact same date.  The movie, 2012 was entertaining but was it realistic?.  Most scientist believe nothing will happen on that date.  BUT, WHAT IF THE SCIENTIST ARE WRONG AND THE MAYANS ARE RIGHT?

I think about all the people/scientist that believed the world was round and not flat and were put to death.  I think about all the people/scientist that said the Earth rotates around the sun and were put to death.   I think about the people/scientist that said man evolved from ape that they were pushed out of the science community.  A LOT of people/scientist were laughed at, put to death or seen as outcast...and we all now know they were absolutely 100% correct.

This year we (meaning Earthlings) have experience quite a few earthquakes (Haiti, Chile, Mexico and Indonesia), floods (Brazil), tsunamis and other strange weather occurrences (snow and/or cold in places that are usually hot and hot in places where it is normally cold).  This may or may not be associated with Global Warming (although the Republicans believe it does not exist - and the top scientist on the planet state it is indeed happening).

Along with strange weather, it seems like all countries have been experiencing great financial difficulty.   Entire cities and countries are "broke".  More and more people are starving and homeless.  People are beginning to not believe in their government and rebelling.  Nostradamus predicted all of this.

I am the type of person that prefer truth and facts/evidence.  I pride myself on looking at both sides of the coin.  I don't know what to believe.   But I do know a few things:  If the Mayans and Nostradamus are correct, I am planning a major party on Dec, 20, 2012.  If the Scientist are right, good!  Because I have a list of things I want to do before I die. 

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